Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Hey y'all!

My name is Rosie High and I recently moved from England to Dallas, Texas (as in, on the first of this month). Why, you ask? Because I fell in love, dang it! 

This is the live story of how I trip, and very occasionally glide, through the steep learning curve that is moving to Texas.

I will be attempting to answer some tough questions for y'all, like what is the difference between porridge and oatmeal? How do you open a tube/can/whatever they come in, of Pillsbury biscuits? What does an American cucumber look like? (You may have noticed that food will play a huge part in this journey. AS IT SHOULD.) Will my husband ever take me country dancing? (I figured if I put it out there into the void he might be more inclined to. Feel free to pressure him in the comments below.) Will the petals of my red English rose fade to a Texan yellow? (Look out, we’re getting poetic!) 

So join me y’all (that’s my second 'y’all' in one paragraph -fist bump!) as I discover the finer details of the lone star state (by that I mean a tiny section of it, about the size of my thumb nail on the map that I’m looking at which may be bigger or smaller than yours).

(I would like to apologise for any offence I have caused with my possible improper use of ‘y’all’ and/or ‘dang it’, and warn you that it will probably happen again.)  


  1. Perfect use of y'all! Welcome to Texas! We're glad you are here!!

  2. Love this! And I'm very intrigued about the American cucumber. Surely a cucumber's a cucumber?!

  3. Can't wait to read each installment Rosie. I love adventure stories and you're in a huge one. Keep safe y'all.

  4. Oh Lucy, how very wrong you are....
