Sunday, 17 November 2013


Yesterday I took my first trip to Down-town Dallas. There was so much more there than I expected! When driving past on the highway, the city looks compact and financial, the kind of place where people go to work and not play. But oh, how wrong I was! There are museums, restaurants, parks, plus the sight of the JFK shooting which is pretty macabre, especially when you see the X that marks the spot (this Thursday, 22nd November, will mark the 50th anniversary of his death and the 25th year of my husbands life, just in case you wanted to send us cake, which I'm sure you do! We appreciate cake.) 

(The shooter was on the floor second from the top and on the far right) 

(A 'Grassy Knoll' sign on the grassy knoll, just in case you were unsure)

We paid a visit to the Dallas Museum of Art (because it was free!) and it was great - a mixture of modern and classical art from a wide range of cultures, plus loads to play on (cue me and the husband doodling on the Art computers for 45 minutes) 

There was also a place where you could create a piece of art using various materials provided and leave it with a message for someone to pick up and take home. Mine turned out looking like a man on a cross, so I called it 'Man on a Cross', and I took one made by 6 year old Christian entitled 'Rovon the Fighting Robot'. Although meant for children, the average age of the people working away and getting creative at each station was probably 30. Everyone likes to glue and stick, right?! 

We discovered, to my ENORMOUS glee, that you can take a Segway tour around the city! Genius! Here is proof: 

I have decided that this will become the thing that ALL my visitors do. Mum, that includes you! 

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