Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Button Man

Recently, I have been making button runs on my lunch breaks. 

Since my Etsy shop (which sells crocheted goods) decided to have a miniature boom (a-woo-hoo!), and I've been making fingerless gloves 24-7, keeping a full stock of buttons has been crucial. 

Enter the button man. The New York button man. 

I never thought I'd be very good at telling the difference between accents in America, unless they are extremely obvious and stereotypical. But as soon as the button man opened his mouth to greet me (we're nearly on first name terms. One more button purchase should do it), I saw the lights of Broadway. Off-Broadway, to be precise. 

He says he left New York when he was eighteen, or, in his words, as soon as he could. According to him, unless you have a good income, it's a pretty tough place to live. The Texan way of life suits him better, and he seems quite content sitting in his button shop that is literally overflowing with every type of button you could imagine. 

I don't believe him. His demeanor and flamboyant greetings tell me there's a little more to his New York story than he is willing to share. Here is my theory:

The button man was an Off-Broadway director, the kind that says, "Wonderful, darling!" to his leading lady's face, and then rolls his eyes behind her back while dabbing his forehead with a paisley neckerchief (he would definitely be the kind to wear a paisley neckerchief. It would most likely be a silk one, too). 

Then something dreadful happened - he directed a show that the critics labeled 'an utter flop', and he was shunned from the Off-Broadway scene to sell buttons in Texas. 

Either that, or he just loves buttons, which would be weird, but understandable - buttons are awesome. 

Today, I walked into his button kingdom in my work wear and he exclaimed, "My, we're looking professional today! Is your limo waiting outside? Let's fill this bag quick!" He then gave me a plastic zip-lock bag and told me that see-through was the new black. 

God bless you, button man. 

FYI: I just want to share the beautiful Autumn view from my office window:

Maybe it's just because they're set against a clear blue sky, but I think the Autumn leaves are more vibrant here than in England. Perhaps it has something to do with the amount of sunlight. 

I've been told that Texas Autumn colours are nothing compared to Colorado's and those in the East. Road-trip next Autumn? Yes please! 

(Yes, that is a giant vase in the picture. It's antique gold in colour and taller than me. I have no idea why there is a giant vase in the office. It would take some pretty beefy flowers to fill that thing, but I have to say it is quite elegant. And if we ever have an office game of hide and seek, I'm going in.) 

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