Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Hallelujah, amen!

I have discovered that we live on the big fat shiny buckle of the bible belt (try saying that fast! You did, didn't you? Me too. I love how connected we are!).  

Stereotypically, everything in Texas is big: hats, belt buckles, hair, apples...but churches are in a whole different league! 

The church we attend is relatively small (!) compared to others. The congregation is a couple thousand, there are three services every Sunday and missions happening left, right and centre, both local and national (The Philippines, The Horn of Africa, Honduras and Mongolia are just a few happening this year). Here is a photo:

Pretty big, and this is only the main part. There are extensions on the back and sides. I get lost quite frequently. It has two car parks for Pete's sake! (sorry Pete, I don't mean to blame you)

But that's nothing...

One of the super churches over here has 4 campuses, that's 4 BUILDINGS, and 4 services every Sunday at EACH VENUE, and they still have to turn people away due to overcrowding! It's insane!  

Coming from a past where, in my earlier days, I felt that church was dead and for people of an older generation, to then finding Jesus and getting stuck into a great church in England of around 400 people, my initial response to church in Texas was 'whoa' and 'I feel like an ant'.

But, I'm pleased to say that, despite being one of a thousand faces at our church, we're already connected and building family. We even got asked to be the candle lighters at the carol concert, AND we got given the central isle, prime spot! I'm not boasting. Not at all. (The carol concert consisted of a full blown orchestra, choir and soloists with amazing talent) 

Here are some more photos of super churches out here in Dallas. Oh, and did I mention they're spaced only seconds apart - there are churches EVERYWHERE! 

This last one is the chapel at Dallas Baptist University. 

Praise Jesus, y'all! Hallelujah, amen! 

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