You know how annoying it could be to be held up in a bank queue by a chatty woman (yes girls, it tends to be us) when your parents are waiting outside to start the long anticipated trip to Austin and San Antonio??? Well, in this case, it was not, as I was highly amused by said woman as she engaged in this conversation with two female bankers (prepare your southern accents):
"I just love this here hand sanitizer, oh I surely do, yes ma'am, I have it all around my house, yes I do, and I just squirts it whenever I pass coz I don't wants no germs, no ma'am, I surely don't, no germs in my house! You had your baby yet? You got a picture? Let me, that is the cutest baby I ever seen! Ain't it a blessin'? Yes ma'am. Can I keep this? I call him my grandchild, yes I will, he is just so cute, he surely is. Yes, ma'am, I'll be taking all my money out today, I'm sure on that. Ev'ry bit. You just put it in one of those money bags..."
And so it continued until the faces of the female bankers were stuck in false smiles and they attempted to hurry her along by hiding the hand sanitizer and pot of pencils that she had also taken a shining to. I learnt from an apologetic male banker that she often just drops by for a chat, and that she is a well-known face on cookie Fridays...but then, aren't we all?!
(During the same banking experience I witnessed another woman exiting the bank with a ENORMOUS money bag full of notes, AND two lads behind me dressed in batman bathrobes, matching slippers and t-shirts printed with bow ties and cummerbunds...)