Tuesday, 26 August 2014

A long overdue update

The silence is over - I will be posting every Tuesday from now on. I promise. 

I apologise for my neglect. Time has whizzed by, projects have plonked themselves in front of me, and before I knew it, I'd blinked three times and found myself at the end of August - crikey! 

I've been cracking on with my eight-to-five at the oil company (Dolly Parton lied - nine-to-fives are non-existent) and writing away. 

I've been working on picture books for young children, some of which are being published with a new publishing company in Houston (Tiny Readers), so I'll keep you posted with their progress. 

The Middle Grade audience has also grabbed my attention, so that's another area I've been delving into. Again, I'll keep you posted with any upcoming projects. In that area, I am currently working on a novel about a fictional young carer. When complete, I hope to use this piece as a way of raising money for a young carer organisation yet to be decided. 

So, that's where I am at the moment - searching out opportunities to write and tell stories.

Now, do you want to hear something crazy? Of course you do. Those that follow me on social networks may already have read this story, so I apologise for repetition, but here it is -

I was sitting at my desk, gazing out the window for inspiration, when a Texas truck pulled up. For those of you that can't picture one, it looked something like this:


(I couldn't see the back of his truck, but I like to think that he had this very same sticker)

The back was full of old computer monitors and leads. The driver, a man in a white t-shirt and Adidas trousers, whacked his radio up to blaring and climbed out of the driver's seat.  

He let down the back of his truck and selected a monitor. He placed it screen down on the ledge. He went back to the driver's seat. By this time, I was anticipating writing gold and had my notebook and pen at the ready. 

He rooted around in the glove compartment and pulled out a hammer. By this time, I was anticipating lunacy and started planning my escape route. 

He walked back to the monitor and started smashing away, clearly enjoying himself. He put down the hammer, went back to the driver's seat and pulled out a larger one. By this time, my mouth was hanging open. 

He continued his smashing, but stopped when he cut his finger. He shoved the monitor back into the truck, secured the back, and walked around the truck, smashing other monitors as he went, just for good measure. 
Then he climbed back into the driver's seat and drove away. 

What was his story?? I would love to know. I've looked at the event from different angles and I can't draw away from the fact that it was nuts. Monitor Man, if you're out there, please explain. 

Until next Tuesday, then! 

FYI: I am currently on a Mitch Albom kick. Since being in America, I have been discovering this country's fine literature. Mitch and me are now as thick as thieves. I've read Tuesday's with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and I am currently munching away at Have a Little Faith. 

If you haven't read any of Mitch Albom's work, I highly recommend it. His stories are told simply and truthfully. They draw on real characters and venture so deeply into human nature that you finish his books feeling like you have a collection of new friends. 

Here is a link to his website: http://mitchalbom.com/d/ 

Make sure you take the time to watch the Have a Little Faith video: http://mitchalbom.com/node/5515  
